We have recently been overrun by a new movement lead by what we have come to call the birthers. For those of you that have been under a rock these people are the ones questioning Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate and its legitimacy. As we are all aware it is a constitutional requirement for our presidents to be natural born citizens. I want to clear up any questions now by saying I fully support this requirement. I am all about one’s ability to become a citizen of this great nation but I feel the leader of this nation should not be imported like everything else around us these days. It is too important of a role for convert. That is my opinion and it will not be changed.
I feel that this is an important question that needs to be unquestionably resolved immediately. There should be no sequestered documents that are sealed for years. We need an answer now. There is plenty of evidence to raise the question. We have a question on his college application that points towards citizenship issues. We have a passport application that is questionable in his place of origin and most recently we have the most obvious forgery of a Hawaiian birth certificate that any common Microsoft draw program can show you the layers of is manufacture.
So there is the issue and here is the question. What happens if it is proven the Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen? What charges would be brought against him? How else would pay for such misleadings? What would happen to the other people involved in such a massive cover up? The most important question in my mind is what happens to all the legislation he has signed? It would have been enacted under false pretense. Would it be stricken from the record? I am certain that Joe Biden would try to emerge as the hero and distance himself from the largest scandal of our entire national history. Would Biden scramble to re-pass all the laws that had been signed by his unqualified predecessor?
I feel that this is the most important piece of current U.S. national government. This administration has been the most controversial in a century. Legislation has been passed by questionable means so what would we do if those situations were further put into question by the disqualification of the president. We need to look at these issues closely. It makes no difference which side you are on. If you are pro-Bama you should still see that we need an answer if for no other reason than to protect the sanctity of the office. If you are no-Bama then you should be standing on the tallest hill yelling for an answer immediately. This is a bipartisan issue if we have ever seen one. It is not a democrat v. republican issue. It is a matter of national security. Please do not be blinded by your own personal feelings. I heard many people vote for their first time because they wanted to be part of history. If you want to be part of history then you need to be asking for a resolution to this question.