Friday, April 29, 2011

A Matter of National Security

We have recently been overrun by a new movement lead by what we have come to call the birthers. For those of you that have been under a rock these people are the ones questioning Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate and its legitimacy. As we are all aware it is a constitutional requirement for our presidents to be natural born citizens. I want to clear up any questions now by saying I fully support this requirement. I am all about one’s ability to become a citizen of this great nation but I feel the leader of this nation should not be imported like everything else around us these days. It is too important of a role for convert. That is my opinion and it will not be changed.

I feel that this is an important question that needs to be unquestionably resolved immediately. There should be no sequestered documents that are sealed for years. We need an answer now. There is plenty of evidence to raise the question. We have a question on his college application that points towards citizenship issues. We have a passport application that is questionable in his place of origin and most recently we have the most obvious forgery of a Hawaiian birth certificate that any common Microsoft draw program can show you the layers of is manufacture.

So there is the issue and here is the question. What happens if it is proven the Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen? What charges would be brought against him? How else would pay for such misleadings? What would happen to the other people involved in such a massive cover up? The most important question in my mind is what happens to all the legislation he has signed? It would have been enacted under false pretense. Would it be stricken from the record? I am certain that Joe Biden would try to emerge as the hero and distance himself from the largest scandal of our entire national history. Would Biden scramble to re-pass all the laws that had been signed by his unqualified predecessor?

I feel that this is the most important piece of current U.S. national government. This administration has been the most controversial in a century. Legislation has been passed by questionable means so what would we do if those situations were further put into question by the disqualification of the president. We need to look at these issues closely. It makes no difference which side you are on. If you are pro-Bama you should still see that we need an answer if for no other reason than to protect the sanctity of the office. If you are no-Bama then you should be standing on the tallest hill yelling for an answer immediately. This is a bipartisan issue if we have ever seen one. It is not a democrat v. republican issue. It is a matter of national security. Please do not be blinded by your own personal feelings. I heard many people vote for their first time because they wanted to be part of history. If you want to be part of history then you need to be asking for a resolution to this question.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My response to a colleague's post

Raymond, I must agree with you. There is plenty of fat to cut out of budgets without taking any funding away from education. Education is one of the most important expenditures our local, state and federal governments provides. It is a shame that this is even a discussion point. It should be untouchable and always under scrutiny for ways to provide to and improve upon. I hold a degree in education (Secondary 8th through 12th grade). Unfortunately no child left behind has been rewarded through a tax dollars system an the only thing that has become important in many schools is full seats when attendance is taken. After that children are being pushed through the system to get a diploma and the majority (specially in low income districts)have no chance at gaining any for of secondary education outside of a trade school. We are literally creating a dumber generation just so the kids can progress through the tax based schools created by No child left behind. It's ironic that such a named system has such a big whole in it that that is exactly what it is doing.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stop the Spending Now

I have to question the intelligence of getting involved in Lybia with so much financial problem looming over our heads at home. We are 14 trillion dollars in debt and we have already spent half a billion dollars enforcing a no fly zone. What happens if Qadhafi stays in power? What will we do then? The intention was to protect innocent civilians from being used as human shields and be slaughtered for no reason. These acts did not just begin. Why have we not paid attention before?

We have a budget crisis that is requiring our congress to make ways to keep the government open for a few more months at a time. The American people should be asking these questions in front of every television camera they can find. We need to tell our lawmakers enough is enough. We need to get very angry and let them know that we will make sure that a replacement is found in the next election for every member that does not begin making headlines with the enormous changes they are offering. Congress needs to know that we are no longer a citizenry that will idly sit by and continue to watch this country being torn down by their greed.

Now has come the time to put reality back in the minds of our elected officials. We must let them know that we will exercise our constitutional rights to install a new leadership that will work by, for and of the people. If you do not understand this then educate yourself. I promise the more you learn about the present level of governmental waste the angrier you will become. Just like a person, a government that remains in debt will become a government without power. It will find itself having to rely on others, and worse, having to settle for what it can get. We have always been the country to run to the aide of others. We have liberated many countries with the blood of our brave young men and we have never asked for more in return than enough land to bury our dead. I assure you we will not find the same support from anyone. We have to save the most wonderful country there has ever been before it is too late.

Call or write your representatives from the bottom up. Ask them what they are sacrificing for the budget. Ask them what they have done and plan to do to rescue this nation. Do your part to open their eyes. Let them know we are watching and listening. Let them no the free ride is over. It’s time for them to work for us as we have worked for them.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Social Security

In this article by David Francis he discusses Social Security and the scare that Obama might want to cut Social Security spending to curve the growing deficit. He discusses that Social Security could still be a target for Conservatives such as Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. He points out that some liberals feel that the benefits are modest. He goes on to discuss income rates among recipients. Francis offers the solution to be in a thriving economy that would offer larger amounts of payroll taxes to replenish the fund. He has written this article to inform readers about the issues facing the nation’s largest antipoverty program. It might be of interest to him because he himself is about to reach retirement age. It is my feeling that Social Security’s salvation can be found in a reevaluation of the system itself. We should examine who is receiving funds. I believe there are many people that receive benefits that probably should not. Maybe a drug test policy should be instituted? Maybe death benefits should be removed. I think that only paying those who have contributed is completely reasonable without question. Read the original article here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Tea Party Keeps A Promise

Could it be that we have actually sent a group of freshmen to the Hill that intend do what they were elected to do? In a never before seen event, 2 freshmen set out against the House Appropriations Committee striking down a proposed $58 billion cut. Jeff Flake (R. Ariz.) and Cynthia Lummis (R. Wyo.) voted against the cut that was going to be announced by the House Budget Committee. In the Pledge to America the Tea Party promised a $100 billion dollar cut and that is exactly what the duo demanded from the House Appropriations Committee. They were able to rally the GOP to make further cuts reaching the additional $48 billion promised. In following remarks House Speaker John Boehner stated that, “Next week, we will bring to the floor a CR that contains the largest discretionary spending cut in the history of our country.” Read the entire article here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Introduction

Hello everyone. I have been considering a blog for a while. An assignment in a class that I am taking was to create a blog. I guess it was a sign? Anyway, here I am. I will attempt to keep it as toned down as possible but my intention is to right all the wrongs of the world. As I believe in setting tangible goals I will begin with simply complaining about just about everything I can think of and supplying background and outside input. I will attempt to offer ideas as if I actually have a captive audience. If you have any opinion please feel free to share them and I will feel equally free to address them. This will not be a forum for belittling unless it is done in a fair and equal manner. I will try to enforce this rule for myself and, again, please feel free to call me on any inappropriate behavior. Look around. I have included links to sights that I frequent and I will gladly analyze any suggestions you may have. I do intend to keep this blog political in nature.