Friday, February 25, 2011

Social Security

In this article by David Francis he discusses Social Security and the scare that Obama might want to cut Social Security spending to curve the growing deficit. He discusses that Social Security could still be a target for Conservatives such as Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. He points out that some liberals feel that the benefits are modest. He goes on to discuss income rates among recipients. Francis offers the solution to be in a thriving economy that would offer larger amounts of payroll taxes to replenish the fund. He has written this article to inform readers about the issues facing the nation’s largest antipoverty program. It might be of interest to him because he himself is about to reach retirement age. It is my feeling that Social Security’s salvation can be found in a reevaluation of the system itself. We should examine who is receiving funds. I believe there are many people that receive benefits that probably should not. Maybe a drug test policy should be instituted? Maybe death benefits should be removed. I think that only paying those who have contributed is completely reasonable without question. Read the original article here.

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