Friday, April 15, 2011

My response to a colleague's post

Raymond, I must agree with you. There is plenty of fat to cut out of budgets without taking any funding away from education. Education is one of the most important expenditures our local, state and federal governments provides. It is a shame that this is even a discussion point. It should be untouchable and always under scrutiny for ways to provide to and improve upon. I hold a degree in education (Secondary 8th through 12th grade). Unfortunately no child left behind has been rewarded through a tax dollars system an the only thing that has become important in many schools is full seats when attendance is taken. After that children are being pushed through the system to get a diploma and the majority (specially in low income districts)have no chance at gaining any for of secondary education outside of a trade school. We are literally creating a dumber generation just so the kids can progress through the tax based schools created by No child left behind. It's ironic that such a named system has such a big whole in it that that is exactly what it is doing.

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